Postcard and printing questions.
We work in Adobe Illustrator 9,
Photoshop, QuarkXpress 4, and
Freehand 9. Please call us for any other file types.
• Are all IMAGES saved in TIFF or
EPS format?
These are the only formats we can accept. DO NOT use PICT images.
• Are all files converted to CMYK?
We can not use RGB files. Files that are not converted will print
in black & white. If we have to convert all your files you will
be charged for the time it takes. This applies to all images as
well as spot colors used in the document. Also, be aware that the
colors you see on your screen are not the same as the way they will
• Is the RESOLUTION at least 300
DPI on all Color and Halftone Scans and 600 DPI on Line Work?
Images scanned lower than this will not print clearly.
• Have you enlarged any scanned images in the layout
This is not a good idea. The images will become fuzzy. Images should
be originally scanned at 100% of the printed size or larger.
• Have you included the files for ALL images?
Placing an image in a document is not enough. You must include the
supporting files for ALL IMAGES.
• Have you enclosed ALL THE S used in the job?
With each job, you must include all s (screen and printer) used
in the document and in the artwork. Do not assume we have the s
on file as this will only hold up the job if we do not.
• Have you set the document up at the correct size?
The document must be set up the size it is to be printed PLUS one-eighth
inch bleed, where necessary. Please include a printed copy. We MUST
HAVE a printed copy of your order to insure it is printed properly.
• Have you included the ORIGINAL PHOTOS?
If possible, please supply the original photos so that we can check
the color prior to printing. If we think that they need color correcting
we will contact you to see if you would like us to do it. There
is an additional charge for color correcting.
• DO NOT COMPRESS any of your files.
• DO NOT INCLUDE irrelevant files. Only send us the files
we need.
• DO NOT USE lines less than .5 point in weight.
• We DO NOT recommend type smaller then 7 pt
• We accept the following media: Zip Disks, CDs